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Message on 06/03: June updates for new bulldogs from residence life & housing

Update from RLH on the 3rd of June, 2024

Hello New Bulldogs!

The Residence Life and Housing (RLH) team hopes you are having a fantastic summer and cannot wait to welcome you to our residential communities in August! Please review the information below to learn about the housing intention form, personal profile, roommate selection, single rooms, and next steps.

Residence Life and Housing strives to establish an educational living and learning environment for students to enhance their academic experience. The department is committed to its mission of Building Lasting Communities of Learning and strives to do so by meeting its goals:

  • Resident engagement
  • Staff experience
  • Overall morale

Please review the information below to learn about the housing intention form, personal profile, single rooms and next steps.

Housing Intention Form (due 06/03)

As a reminder, all incoming students complete a Housing Intention Form to communicate their living preferences with Residence Life and Housing through the MyRedlands Housing Portal. Students are responsible for reading and understanding all details of the Housing License and Meal Plan Agreement and Code of Community Standards. Students who wish to live off-campus at any point during the 2024-25 academic year, and meet one of the four residential requirement exemption criteria, must petition through this form. The Housing Intention Form is due today, June 3rd!

The Housing Petition form can be found on the MyRedlands Housing Portal under Applications and Forms.

Personal Profile

After completing the Housing Intention Form, you will need to complete your Personal Profile. We take great care to match students with roommates based on their Personal Profile information. When it comes to living with other students, you may be surprised to find someone with very different interests can still share many of the same living traits that are important in a good roommate, for example similar sleep or cleanliness habits.

  • Visit the MyRedlands Housing Portal and click on Personal Profile.
  • Then click on My Info and select Fall 2024 from the menu labeled For the Term.
  • After completing the information and clicking Save at the bottom of the page, click on Roommate Profile to provide additional contact and personal information.
  • Remember to click Update Roommate Profile at the bottom of the page to save.

Roommate Selection and Assignments

Starting June 4th, you can start to search for roommates. We strongly encourage you to follow the steps below to get to know students who, just like you, are new to the University of Redlands and need to find a roommate. Please complete the following steps by Friday, July 12th.

  • On the MyRedlands Housing Portal, you will find Housing and Roommate Selection in the left toolbar. When you click on Select Roommates and select Fall 2024 from the menu labeled For the Term, you will find you are able to view new student profiles. 
  • If you find a student you think would be a good fit, click Request Roommate to notify the student of your interest and to prompt them to review your profile. If they accept your roommate request, which means both parties agree to be housed together, that will be reflected in your MyRedlands housing portal and theirs, too and you will be assigned a shared room in a First Year Residence Halls.
  • You will find roommate requests sent to you listed under Pending Roommate Requests and those you have matched with under Roommate Requests.
  • If you have trouble finding the right match, do not worry, the RLH team, has been helping to match roommates for years, and will do the same for you informed by your Personal Profile. 
  • NOTE: The deadline to complete the roommate selection process is Friday, July 12th.

Single Rooms

  • For the 2024-25 academic year, Merriam Hall will offer single occupancy rooms. These rooms will be available on a first come first serve basis for those that complete the Single Room Application on their My Redlands Portal.
  • Starting June 4th, on the MyRedlands Housing Portal, you will find the Singles Room Application under Applications and Forms in the left toolbar. Priority application review will be given to those who completed the Single Room Application by July 12th.

Next Steps

  • From now to September 6th, you can make changes to your meal plan selection using your MyRedlands Housing Portal if you prefer a meal plan other than standard All Access meal plan. To learn more about meal plan options you are eligible for and meal plan rates, please visit the Harvest Table website. For instructions on how to select or change a meal plan please click here. Final meal plan selections must be made by September 6th, the first Friday after classes begin.
  • In late July, the Residential Housing Software will use the information you provided on your Housing Intention Form, roommate matches, and personal profiles to make hall and room assignments.

Please visit our website to review the incoming student housing timeline.

Should you have any questions, please email Residence Life and Housing at

Residence Life & Housing | University of Redlands