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Honors Societies

Pi Sigma Alpha (PSA) is the national honor society and Sigma Iota Rho, is an international studies honor society, offered to eligible political science students.

For over a decade, our Alpha Delta Psi chapter has sponsored an annual induction ceremony in spring, undergraduate research conference presentations, debate panels, speakers, and events such as an annual pizza party for PSA alumni, faculty, and current members. 

An invitation for membership in PSA is extended to Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations majors with Junior or Senior standing and who are in the top third of their class (GPA of approx. 3.5 or above). They must also average a B (3.0) in all their Political Science courses.

Our students have been presenters at the national undergraduate research conference, podcasted about their research, and have held a visual essay contest. In 2020 our chapter hosted the second annual regional Pi Sigma Alpha undergraduate research conference online, the first of its sort for the organization. Student researchers from six different campuses presented their work. 

For more information, contact the chapter advisor, Dr. Renée Van Vechten:



(Juniors and Seniors, by invitation)

Academic excellence in the field of IR is similarly acknowledged by an invitation to join the international studies honor society, Sigma Iota Rho, which promotes and rewards scholarship and service among students and practitioners of international studies, international affairs, and global studies and fosters integrity and creativity in the conduct of world affairs. Contact the International Relations program director for more information.