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Daniel Daiz Reyes

Adjunct Instructor
Race & Ethnic Studies


Daniel Diaz Reyes holds a professional background in Anthropology, Education, Ethnic Studies and Law. His sense of community is based with the Afro-Indigenous people of Costa Chica, and Nahuatl speakers of southern Mexico and the freedom cultures in diaspora.Daniel has over 24 years of experience in the field of education; teaching in multiple settings, ranging from elementary to university classrooms. His approach towards education is community based, where relationships are accessed under the guidance that: 1) everyone knows more than they are given credit for and 2) people have personally experienced the things they care about professionally and as such works to highlight diverse community sources of knowledge to challenge inequality.Current research concentrates on pedagogical management, politics of schooling, and curriculum design to support implementation of liberatory projects in education. His projects address education systems as sites of social reproduction to examine transnationalism, human movements, and youth culture with a focus on Black, Brown, Chicana, Latinx and Indigenous communities. Daniel Diaz Reyes is committed to actions that build spaces for positive cultural, educational, and creative community growth.


  • J.D., Peoples College of Law, Los Angeles
  • Ph.D., Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Riverside
  • B.A., Chicano Studies, University of California, Davis


Diaz Reyes, Daniel (2010) Getting Schooled: Intra-Ethnic Differentiation, School Acts in Making Differences. University of California, Riverside.



D Report (Online Content): A dialogue at the intersection of Anthropology, Education, Ethnic Studies, and Law. Website: www.