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Martín Hoecker-Martinez Ph.D.

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D., Oceanography, Oregon State University
  • M.S.,  Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology
  • B.S., Physics, Harvey Mudd College

Professional Background

Our group is interested in boundary layer flows and air-sea exchange of heat, momentum and dissolved gases. My students and I are building a rotating fluid dynamics laboratory here at Redlands to study and model geophysical flows. The group's research combines field observations with computer and scale models to better understand transport in the ocean and atmosphere.


  • Harvey Mudd College 

  • Mt. San Antonio College

  • California State University Polytechnic University, Pomona

  • Santa Ana College

  • Glendale College


  • American Geophysical Union

  • American Physical Society

  • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

  • American Association of Physics Teachers

  • National Association of Geophysics Teachers


"Buoyant Gravity Currents Released from Tropical Instability Waves" S. J. Warner, et. al., Journal of Physical Oceanography (2018).


"The O2/N2 ratio and CO2 airborne Southern Ocean (ORCAS) study," BB Stephens, et. al., Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2017).


"Oceanic Turbulent Energy Budget using Large-Eddy Simulation of a Wind Event during DYNAMO," MS Hoecker-Martínez, WD Smyth, ED Skyllingstad, Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (3), 827-840 (2015).


"Trapping of gyrotactic organisms in an unstable shear layer," MS Hoecker-Martínez, WD Smyth, Continental Shelf Research 36, 8-18 (2012).


Awards and service

  • 2011: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellow

  • 2010: AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper

  • 2010: Wayne V. Burt Outstanding Graduate Student

  • 2006-2007: Adjunct Faculty Excellence Mt San Antonio College