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Eric Hill



  • Doctorate, Physics with supporting Space Physics, University of Minnesota
  • B.A., magna cum laude, Physics, Carleton College

Professional Background

Dr. Hill’s research has ranged from designing, building and using Scanning Tunneling Microscopes to modeling Architectural Acoustics and ray optics, to pedagogical work on both every-day optics and the fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism.


  • St. Olaf College, Visiting Professor (2000)

  • Modern Physics

  • Advanced Laboratory Physics

  • Musical Acoustics


  • American Vacuum Society

  • American Physics Society


"Rephrasing Faraday’s Law." S. Eric Hill. The Physics Teacher (sub. 2008, accept. 2009, to appear 2010).


"Reflection with a Twist: the Helical Mirror." A. J. DeWeerd and S. Eric Hill. The Physics Teacher 44 (7), 424-425 (2006).


"Comment on ‘Anamorphic Images,’ by J.L. Hunt, B.G. Nickel, and Christian Gigault" [Am. J. Phys. 68 (3), 232-237 (2000)]. A. J. DeWeerd and S. E. Hill. Am. J. Phys. 74 (1), 83-84 (2006).


"Optics Over Tea: Images in Concave and Convex Surfaces," A. J. DeWeerd and S. E. Hill. Physics Education 40 (1), 13-14(2005).


"The Dizzying Depths of Cylindrical Mirrors," A. J. DeWeerd and S. E. Hill. The Physics Teacher 43 (2), 90-92 (2005).


"Reflections on Handedness," A. J. DeWeerd and S. E. Hill. The Physics Teacher 42, 45 (2004)


Awards and service

  • Mortar Board Professor of the Year, University of Redlands, 2008