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Rick Cornez Ph.D.

Math & Computer Science


  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of New Mexico
  • M.S., Mathematics, University of New Mexico
  • B.S., Mathematics, Case Western Reserve University

Professional Background

Rick Cornez is involved in statistical consulting with industry, writing simulations to illustrate concepts in probability and statistics, and is in the process of coauthoring a programming text using ActionScript 3.0.

His research includes probability theory and applied mathematics, as well as Markov chains, discrete stochastic processes, and Monte Carlo methods. He has written simulation modules in MacroMind Director and Flash to demonstrate probability concepts. Along with colleagues Mike Bloxham and Steve Morics, he designed the University's Mathematics Consulting Laboratory course and presented a paper on it in South Africa.


  • IEEE

  • ACM



Android Programming for Mobile Development, Textbook, Jones and Bartlett, 2017


Introduction To Programming - ActionScript, Textbook, Jones and Bartlett, 2015


Awards and service

  • Outstanding Teaching Award, 1996
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory Faculty Fellow, 1987
  • Fulbright Award - Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Botswana, 1986


  • "An Animated Simulation of Traffic Model for Probability " (presentation) American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America National meetings, San Diego, CA, Jan 2008

  • "An Undergraduate Statistical Consulting Laboratory" (presentation) MATHFEST 04, Mathematical Association of America, Providence, RI, August 2004

  • "A Mathematical Consulting Lab" (presentation) American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America National meetings, Washington, D.C., Jan 2000

  • "Simulation Before Sampling" (presentation) MATHFEST 98, Mathematical Association of America, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada, July 1998

  • "The Mathematics of Juggling" (presentation) Hentschke Hall seminar series, University of Redlands, Oct 1997

  • "Using the Internet in the Classroom," American Statistical Association National Mtgs Anaheim Round Table Discussion Leader, June 1997