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Hillary Jenkins Ph.D.

Environmental Studies


Hillary Jenkins holds a Ph.D. from Duke University in Earth and Ocean Sciences and a B.A. in Geology from Wellesley College. Her areas of expertise include hydrology, geology, paleoclimatology, dendroclimatology, and isotope geochemistry. She has been a Professor at the University of Redlands since 2014 and teaches courses in her fields of expertise including Hydrology, Geology, Oceanography, Climate Science, Disasters, and the Environmental Science Senior Research Capstone.

Her current research investigates (1) groundwater flux and aquifer storage in threatened meadow ecosystems of the San Bernardino Mountains, (2) reconstructions of extreme climate using tree rings, (3) the impact of air pollution on forest ecosystem growth and (4) calculating forest above-ground biomass and carbon storage using field observations and remote sensing data. Dr. Jenkins enjoys field work and brings her students into the ecosystems of the San Bernardino Mountains whenever she can. She maintains an extensive piezometer network in hundreds of acres of wetlands in the San Bernardino Mountains in collaboration with the National Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife Service and numerous conservancy agencies.


  • BA in Geology, Wellesley College
  • Ph.D. in Earth & Ocean Sciences, Duke University

Professional Background

  • Professor & Hedco Chair, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Redlands, 2022 – Present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Redlands, 2016 – 2022
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Redlands, 2014 – 2016
  • Preceptor, Earth & Planetary Sciences Department, Harvard University, 2010 – 2014

Awards and service

  • Hedco Endowed Chair of Environmental Science, Office of the Provost, University of Redlands, 2023 - Present
  • Career Faculty Fellowship, Office of Career & Professional Development, University of Redlands, 2023
  • Outstanding Teaching Award Nomination, Faculty Review Committee, University of Redlands, 2022
  • Outstanding Service Award, Faculty Review Committee, University of Redlands, 2021
  • Johnston Fellow, Johnston Center for Integrative Studies, University of Redlands, 2019 – 2020
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Faculty Review Committee, University of Redlands, 2018
  • Professor of the Year Nomination, Mortar Board, University of Redlands, 2017
  • ABLConnect Learning Innovator Prize, Harvard Initiative for Learning & Teaching (HILT), 2014
  • Harvard Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Derek Bok Center for Teaching & Learning, 2013 & 2014


Jenkins, H., Krantz, T., Crawford, M., Dluzak*, G., and Dimicco*, A., 2024, Hydrologic Restoration of Bluff Meadow. Atmosphere, in prep.

Jenkins, H.S., 2023, Groundwater Storage Efficiency in Threatened Meadow Ecosystems of the Upper Santa Ana Watershed. US Fish & Wildlife Report, 7.

Jenkins, H.S., 2021, Air Pollution and Climate Drive Annual Growth in Ponderosa Pine Trees in Southern California. Climate, 9(5):82.

Urquiza Muñoz, J.D., Magnabosco Marra, D., Negrón-Juarez, R.I., Tello-Espinoza, R., Alegría-Muñoz, W., Pacheco-Gómez, T., Rifai, S.W., Chambers, J.Q., Jenkins, H.S., Brenning, A., and Trumbore, S.E., 2021, Recovery of Forest Structure Following Large-Scale Windthrows in the Northwestern Amazon. Forests, 12, 667.

Jenkins, H., and Romack*, E., 2019, Modeling Hydrologic Change in a Californian Meadow: Lessons following the 2012-2015 Drought. United States Forest Service Report, 12.

Negron-Juarez, R., Jenkins, H., Raupp, C., da Silva Dias, M., and da Silva Dias, P., 2017, Unexpected high frequency of Southerly Squall Lines In Amazonia. Atmosphere, 8, 28.

Zeng, H., Lu, T., Jenkins, H., Negrón-Juárez, R.I., and Xu, J., 2016, Assessing Earthquake-Induced Tree Mortality in Temperate Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study from Wenchuan, China. Remote Sensing, 8(3), 252.

Areas of Expertise

  • Geology
  • Paleoclimatology
  • Dendroclimatology
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Hydrology